Happy New Year

Double Platinum
Its a new year and its time for a new start. As one year ends and another one begins, its time to make some much needed changes. Procrastination was left behind. What I can do today, I will. Dead weight has been lost. In order to move forward on the path God has set forth, life can’t remain stagnant. Change isn’t always easy; but change will come whether you prepare for it or not. As my friends know, my life changed at the end of 2007. I lost someone dear to my heart. As I reminisced about the good times I was blessed to share with my grandfather, I also took time to reflect on other areas of my life.  Although I don’t know what 2008 will hold; I will do my part to make sure I’m working towards my personal and professional goals. Learn from the past and live for today. Its time to embrace not only a new year but a new start.

May God’s blessings overflow in your life this year and beyond.

For Contests and to see what’s new for 2008, read the January 2008 newsletter:  http://www.sheliagoss.com/newsletter.htm

Dedication and Farewell


His strength protected me

His wisdom educated me

His love shines through me.

Dedicated to the one man who showed me unconditional love this side of heaven.

JC Hogan (1916 – 2007)

I will be offline for awhile but wanted to wish all of my regular blog visitors a Merry Christmas. I hope to resume posting and visiting each one of your blogs again in January.

May God Bless each and every one of you.

P.S. – All guest bloggers who turned in their posts, God willing, I will post them at the beginning of 2008.

By Shelia Posted in Life

Today’s Inspiration

If we focus too much on ourselves and the troubles in our lives, it is very difficult to be happy. Lord, refresh my spirit, help me let go of longing to become something I am not and show me how to be the best of who I am.

Random Daily Inspiration

Get and keep a good humored attitude toward life. This will bring you support rather than opposition. Lord, may I always be a peacemaker.

 ~ Author Unknown

By Shelia Posted in Life

Wealth of Your Spirit

Thought for Today: WEALTH OF YOUR SPIRIT

The most accurate measure of our worth is how much we value ourselves. When we value who we are, we are sure to draw to us others who value us as much. When we are needy, deficient, lacking confidence and self-esteem, we will find ourselves in situations and among people that reinforce those views.The first step in building relationships is learning to value who we are. We cannot convince others how wonderful and marvelous we are if we do not believe it. We must first convince ourselves. If we repeatedly find ourselves in situations where we are treated badly, we are responsible, not the other person. When we find ourselves in situations where we do not feel wanted, we must have the courage and confidence to leave. Our sense of worth must first come from within. When we have that, we can expect those in our relationships will value us as well.

The wealth of my spirit is the light of my world.—“Acts of Faith”

By Shelia Posted in Life

The Most Depressing Jobs – Is Yours on the List

Check this out. People in the Arts/Entertainment field are supposedly in the top 5 depressing jobs. Hmm. Is it because we put our hearts into our work and when folks tear the work down, the person might feel like they are being torn down in the process. We have to realize that its the piece of work that’s getting criticized. Folks don’t really know you–the person behind the work, so we have to learn how to seperate ourselves from the work. Is it easy? No, but it’s something that must be done or risk being part of the statistics.

I definately agree with #2 because tell me, when was the last time you went to Mickey D’s and the person giving you your food seemed happy to be there…only time they seemed happy is if they are on their phone talking to somebody when they should be getting you your food.

Top 21 — Most Depressing Jobs

Percentages of full-time workers age 18 to 64 reporting depression lasting two weeks or longer, by categories of occupation, as provided by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health using 2004 through 2006 data:

1. Personal Care and Service: 10.8

2. Food Preparation and Serving Related: 10.3

3. Community and Social Services: 9.6

4. Health Care Practitioners and Technical: 9.6

5. Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media: 9.1

6. Education, Training and Library: 8.7

7. Office and Administrative Support: 8.1

8. Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance: 7.3

9. Financial: 6.7

10. Sales and Related: 6.7

11. Legal: 6.4

12. Transportation and Material Moving: 6.4

13. Mathematical and Computer Scientists: 6.2

14. Production: 5.9

15. Management: 5.8

16. Farming, Fishing and Forestry: 5.6

17. Protective Service: 5.5

18. Construction and Extraction: 4.8

19. Installation, Maintenance and Repair: 4.4

20. Life, Physical and Social Science: 4.4

21. Engineering, Architecture and Surveyors: 4.3

Source: The Associated Press, using data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Loving Me

Song of the day: “Leaving You” by Lina

It’s a good feeling to wake up in the morning and after giving God the praise to say, I love me.
It’s a good feeling to be able to look myself in the mirror and know that I love me.
There’s so many times, that I didn’t love me. Like the time I allowed anybody and everybody to say what they wanted to say to me, do what they wanted to me and didn’t say a word or do a thing.
But as soon as I started loving me, I became a whole new me. I’m nowhere near conceited, but there are several things that I’m very confident about. Yes, I need to lose weight, but I’m a beautiful woman. I’m pretty beyond a doubt, but I’m also beautiful on the inside and that’s part of my aura. I’m creative beyond a doubt and I say it with confidence, because God gave me the talent and I’m going to use it to the best of my ability.
Today, I’m loving me–just for me. No it’s not being vain or stuck on myself. What I’ve learned in my thirty something years if you don’t love you, then no one else will. So TODAY, I’m loving me for me and will continue to love me–inspite of life’s complications.

Repost – When Life Throws You a Curve

What do you do when life throws you a curve ball? You throw one back. Lately it seems no matter how hard I work, something always wants to get in the way of me achieving my goals. There have been times I will admit, that I wanted to throw in the towel; but something inside of me, says “Halt. Regroup. Try going at it from a different angle.”

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t but even still I can’t allow the bumps of life to keep me down. I dust the insecurities off and keep pressing forward. Has this happened to you? Have you been trying to accomplish a goal but it seems like you keep running into a brick wall? Does it seem like “everybody” else is doing what they want to do with their lives but you’re stuck?

How do you get over this hump in your life and continue pursuing your goals, inspite of life’s complications? Below are a few tips that have helped me and hopefully will help you:

  • Meditation – Regardless of what your religion is, prayer works. Prayer and Meditation helps you block out the world and concentrate on the issue at hand. No interruptions from the phone, family or friends. This is your “me” time. Just you and God. One on one. Be quiet. Listen.
  • Talking About It – Sometimes it helps to talk to someone else about your issue. Maybe you’re too close to the situation and a trusted family member or friend can shed a new light. Sometimes they may not have any advice, but just an ear to listen to you vent; but regardless, talking about it may help shed a new light to your situation.
  • Vacation – When life gets too busy or hectic, sometimes you must take a vacation. Take a cruise, visit a place you’ve always wanted to see. If you can’t afford to get away, tell people you are going on vacation and make your home your vacation getaway. Turn off the cell phone, get off the internet (can’t believe I said that…smile), and turn off the TV. See how it feels to do absolutely nothing or start that hobby you’ve been putting off.
  • Read a Book – Reading can be relaxing and educational. It depends on what you’re reading. If you’re trying to keep motivated, pick up one of many motivational books and see how you can apply some of the principles to your life. If you need a mental escape, reading a book for entertainment will do the trick.

Regardless of what method you use to regroup, do so. Don’t allow life’s frustrations to deter you. You have a goal in mind, things will come up, but you can’t give up. When life throws you a curve ball, you will bounce back.

Article by National Best-selling Author Shelia M. Goss. She’s the author of several novels – Paige’s Web, My Invisible Husband and Roses are thorns, Violets are true. To learn more, visit her website at www.sheliagoss.com

By Shelia Posted in Life

Weekly Inspiration – Training Day

Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Matthew 5:11

Can you believe it’s October already! Doesn’t it seem like the days are speeding by at a furious pace. On the other hand, have you noticed when there is drama in your life the day and nights seem to never end.

You must come to realize my Christian brothers and sisters that when the enemy attacks you it’s not such a bad thing. Haven’t you noticed by now that the more trouble comes into your life the stronger you become? And I know that sometimes you feel like giving up, especially when the vicissitudes of life are continually slapping you in the face. Nevertheless, experience should tell you that’s when you need to go to God’s gym where you can raise your level of consecration. So instead of sitting around the break room or cafeteria this week bemoaning and gossiping, sit in your car or find a quiet room, or even take a walk by yourself so you can get some tips from, The Holy Spirit, your personal trainer.

The Bible tells us to be strong not in ourselves, but in Him. (Ephesians 6:10-20) Gear up my brothers and sisters and let God show you how He is here to fight for you in times of war. Know that you will be victorious if you understand and believe that the fight is not your concern. (II Chronicles 20:15)

I urge you to take your training seriously this week. Know that God is training you for the main event, so don’t try to pass on your sparring lessons. Take heed and let the Holy Spirit lead you to the main event—victorious Christian living, in Jesus name, Amen!

You will win IF you don’t quit!

Minister Rhonda Hale

© 100707

Think and It Shall Be

“So teach us to make the most of our time so that we may grow in wisdom.”  ~  Psalm 90:12


Where are you on the ladder of success?





I am doing it

Progress, enthusiasm

I will

Determination, faith

I can


I can try


I think I can

Willing heart and mind

Do you think I can?

Curious, lack confidence

I wish I could


I can’t

Fear or unmotivated

I don’t care


I’ll do it later


I won’t

Stubborn, rebellious

~ by Jewel Diamond Taylor, Conference Speaker, The Self-esteem Dr., Life Coach, Author and Founder of Women on the Grow. (visit web site http://www.DoNotGiveUp.net)

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

With Isiah Thomas being accused of sexual harassment and losing the case in court; what does that mean for the rest of the corporate world?

Depending on whether you’re male or female may depend on whose side you’re on. A woman should not have to go to work under the kind of circumstances Anucha Sanders has described.  I remember working for an organization where I was the only female and only Black in my department.

I recall conversations existing as if I, a female, wasn’t around and also coming in to work in the morning and finding porno magazines at my station. Grant it, I shared a station with someone else; but they could have had the decency to keep their magazines to themselves; even after I complained, I would see them. What did that tell me? Plain and simple; they  had no respect for me as a woman. Actually, the way they talked about their significant others; they had no respect for women period.  I didn’t sue, but I got the **** out of there as soon as I found me another job. 

Anucha Browne Sanders Wins 11.6 Million in Punitive Damages in Sexual Harrassment Lawsuit

Jena 6 A Color-Free Vision

“Will our Society ever be Color-Free?” I’ve had countless conversations on this issue. The more and more I hear about the injustice that has occurred in Jena, LA (a central Louisiana town), the more and more it upsets me.

Thank God for the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, Martin Luther Kings, etc. who have not put down the torch for justice for all. Prayers work and uniting together works. Michael Bell was freed on bail Thursday.

In this day and time, we shouldn’t be dealing with racial issues, but we are.  In this day and time, our children should be free to live in a society that will accept them on their merits, not the color of their skin.

Whether you’re Black, Hispanic, White, etc…it shouldn’t matter. What should matter is your character? How can we develop the character of our kids if we’re always having to explain the ignorance and hatred of some people’s actions? What’s going on in Jena shouldn’t be happening in 2007.

Do you think our society will ever be color-free?

To add some food for thought, here’s a poem I wrote on the subject.

© 2007 by Shelia M. Goss

The color of my skin shouldn’t define me
Because when I go out of this country,
American is all they see.

My Brown-sugar, Caramel, Ebony, Hershey-chocolate,
Mahogany, Mocha, Vanilla complexion
Is only an outer shell.
You have to dig Deeper,
If you want to know
What’s embedded in my mind.

My skin color might hint to my Races
Past struggles and pain,
But don’t lose the fact that we’re
Individuals and not all the same.

One day I hope we can all
Be one big happy family
In the meantime, I’ll leave a legacy
To the younger generation.

Show by example on how to get through
Life’s complications.
I will teach them how to love
Through my own interactions.

I will show them how to give
And not wait for someone’s reaction.
I will encourage them to dream and not
Let society dictate who they can be.

I will show them the benefit of believing in
Oneself, but most of all in a Higher Being.

I hope to see the manifestation of my vision
A society that’s COLOR-FREE.


OPB – A New Week

O.P.B. stands for Other People Blogs. These are a few places I visited this past week. Check them out:

We all would like to think we would live forever.  

Keep in mind I don’t mean for this to come off as chauvinistic but I’d like to ask one not so simple question:

When did it become all about the woman? 

Ladies, go check it out @ Flip The Script.

If you want a good laugh, check out. Bettye Griffin’s blog CHEWING THE FAT WITH BETTYE. I’m still laughing. Friday Funny, AKA The Obedient Wife There was a m…

Ladies, if you want some eye-candy, go to Adrianne Byrd’s blog: Hot Hunk Thursday presents: Boris Kodjoe

For a bit of nostalgia, visit Lori’s Old School Mix blog. What’s one of your favorite childhood games?

Jena 6 and Racial Injustice

The situation in Jena, LA outrages me and others of African-American descent because it is 2007 and we are still dealing with injustices of this nature. I’m outraged about not only this incident but other incidents that I know personally of. Maybe this time with national exposure, these 6 young men can get justice.  Maybe other young Black men who have been given unfair treatment will benefit from the attention that Jena 6 is now getting.

I was listening to Rev. Jesse Jackson and some of the things he said reminded me of documentaries we watched in school about things that happened in the ’50s and ’60s.

The struggle for racial justice didn’t stop in the 1960’s, but its an ongoing fight.

To read more…

Someone sent me this link of a photo show capturing the historical moment in the March on Jena (September 2007). Click here to view.

Five Personality Traits to Avoid

A realization hit me recently. My natural instinct has been to play the role of rescuer and it must stop–immediately. It made me think of other things that either I or my friends have done that could have saved us a lot of time and energy and most importantly heartbreak.

Here’s a list of 5 types of personality traits that you should avoid: If you see yourself as one of these, it’s time to reevaluate.

The Rescuer – Do you find yourself trying to rescue a man from this or that and most of the time himself? Enough already.

The Nurturer – Are you his mama? No, so why play the dual role of lover/mama…sounds perverted doesn’t it…so stop.

The Warden – Okay, now don’t get mad, but having your man on a strict schedule sounds like there are trust issues. If you have to monitor his every move, then maybe he’s not the man for you.

The Dog Catcher – Bow wow…need I say more…you know he’s a dog, he was dating three other women when you met him, but you still allow him into your heart.

The Landlord – Time is precious. Have fun, but be wise. Why let someone rent space in your heart when you know they are not the one.

I’m sure there are other personality types I could touch on, but these five are the ones that come to mind as I reflect on my love life and those around me.