Nadia “I’m Bringing Sexy Back” Aidan


Why did you decide to be a writer? 
Nadia Aidan: For two reasons.

The MAIN reason why I decide to become a writer was because of my mother.  I began writing over a year and a half ago when I was finishing my dissertation, but once I finished my dissertation I didn’t look at the novels again.  It wasn’t until my mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer that I began searching for an outlet for the emotional highs and lows of taking care of her.  My mom recently lost her battle to cancer, which finally gave me the courage to submit my work.  My mother was (and continues to be in spirit) my biggest cheerleader and support system.  She was a strong, courageous woman who wasn’t afraid of anything and she raised me to be the same.  I know she would have been disappointed in me if I let insecurity and fear stop me from submitting my work.  So writing for me has taken on this new dimension because I feel that I HAVE to do this.  She was always so proud of my with the other successes I had in my life and my accomplishments.  I still want to make her proud so that means I CAN’T give up!  My love for my mother and respect for who she was as a woman drives me to continue to send my manuscript to publishers over and over despite the rejection letters! Despite the ups and downs of this entire business, my mother’s spirit inspires me to remain dedicated to my passion which is writing erotic romance novels.

The second reason is because I have a genuine love for reading fulfilling stories.  And from this love grew a desire to see MORE books in the genre that I love to read.  I love interracial erotic romance stories BUT there are very few of these stories that are NOT straight contemporaries or vampire related.  I love those too, but I am a fantasy/sci-fi buff and I always felt bereft when searching through new releases on my favorite sites and coming up with nada in the fantasy category.  Many of my writing mentors started writing because they became frustrated with a lack of this or too much of that.  The same is true of me. I wanted to see more interracial and multicultural erotic romance novels with a fantasy element so I figured if that is what I wanted then I needed to write it myself!

For more information about Nadia Aidan and her books, visit:

Questions Asked – Giving it to you Raw Pt. 3

question-mark-gif.gifI hope during these Q & A posts, you are given the tools you need to help you make the most of your networking experiences.


When should I start marketing my book?

I would start marketing the moment I knew the book was going to be published. Once you have an official publishing date and your ISBN from your publisher, I would suggest submitting your galleys to print publications and reviewers. The goal is to inform or make book readers and book buyers aware of your book. You want them to be familiar with the title so once it’s released and they see it on the shelves or while browsing on the internet, they may take a chance and purchase it. Click on the Workshop  page on my blog for more information on promoting your book.

Does paying for reviews help or hurt your review rating?

I’m really not sure. I submit my book to publications and sites that read books in my genre; whether their actual review of my book makes it to the publication or site is at their discretion. I don’t however pay for book reviews. Most of the reviews I’ve received lately are from individual readers who purchased the book and either liked or disliked the book. I personally tend to shy away from review sites that charge; however there are several reputable sites that do charge. Hopefully that answered your question.

How do you find time to write?

I don’t. I make time. Life is what it is. If you wait to find time to write, you never will. Something can or will get in the way if you don’t make a concious effort to fit writing into your schedule.  You have to make time. Set aside a certain amount of time a day or a week to write. Even if you only write an hour a week, you’re closer to your goal than waiting to find time to write.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post them here or send me a direct email.

Previous Q & A: Questions Asked – Giving it to you Raw Pt. 2
Questions Asked – Giving it to you Raw