Questions Asked – Giving it to you Raw Pt. 2

question-mark-gif.gifI got a good response from last week’s Q & A. Thanks ladies for emailing your questions.  I hope during these Q & A posts, you are given the tools you need to help you make the most of your networking experiences.

Will you write a blurb for my book?

It depends. Have we ever communicated before? Belonging to literary groups is great for networking so don’t forget to join a few online and offline. You don’t have to wait until your manuscript is finished to do it.

 Depending on the author’s schedule, he or she will want to read the entire manuscript before attaching their name to your book. At the very least, they will want to read several chapters if they are unfamiliar with your writing style. If said author doesn’t write a blurb, do not hold it against them.

I’ve finished my book. What’s next?

This is a dreaded question. Why? Because there are so many things you could do next. #1 I would ask, what do you want to do next? Are you looking for an agent or a publisher? If you are looking for either one, you will need to know about the submission process. Most require a query letter, synopsis, and the first three chapters.

Are you looking to self-publish? If so, then there are other things you need to consider. For example, will you outright self-publish or will you be using a Print on Demand (POD) service.

Be sure you’ve done your homework and know exactly what you want to do. You will probably get more responses if you ask specific questions, such as “How do I write a query letter?” or “How do I get an ISBN?” than asking a generic question.

Here are two links to get you started:

How can I find an agent?

Agents are found via conferences, referrals or by using other resources such as books like the Writer’s Market and online websites. Bookmark the following website because it gives information on what agents are looking for and their contact information:

Be sure to only send them what they are requesting.

P.S. – The internet is your friend. Use any one of the search engines and it will pull up a ton of information on any topic.

Any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment field or email me directly.

Introducing PG Forte

   The Love from A to Z Book Tour Stops Here.

Why did you decide to be a writer? 

PG Forte: Hmm….nope, Sorry. But, I gotta say I really don’t think that’s the kind of thing you get to decide. Sort of like I never decided to become a green-eyed, left-handed Pisces. I may get some choice as to which terms I use to describe myself, but beyond that it’s like a card game. You can decide how to play the hand you’ve been given but not which cards you’re gonna be dealt

I tell stories, because that’s what I do. Writing helps me understand what I think and how I feel about life, love, the world around me…pretty much everything, I guess. If I’m lucky, people are entertained by what I write.

I suppose I could blame it, in part, on genetics. Funny things, genes. My maternal grandfather was a writer too (although, okay, definitely not erotic romance) but since I never knew him, and didn’t know about his writing until my own habit was well entrenched, I don’t think anyone can claim I took it up in an effort to emulate him.

As I understand it, his whole family had a reputation for being voracious readers, and that’s another trait that, apparently, has bred pretty true. I always thought I was an insatiable book-hound but my daughter’s already on track to have me beat.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with my current release, Love From A to Z, whose hero is a rock guitar playing god. While I can appreciate music, I can’t play worth a damn. The music gene—that’s something I might have inherited from my father’s side of the family. Unfortunately, however, I didn’t. Good thing I’ve got my writing. 

To read more about PG Forte or her latest book Love from A to Z, visit one of her websites: or 

Monday Night is CW Night – Repeat

My friends know if they want to talk to me, they need to contact me before 7 pm; otherwise I will talk to them at 10 pm.

Monday night is a CW night:

Everybody Hates Chris – Got to love this show. Little Chris is always getting into something.

Girlfriends – I’ve been watching this show since it first aired. I admit it’s different now that the character Toni isn’t on there, but I’m still remaining faithful to the show. Last season Joan finally got her man. I wonder what’s in store this season. Please pay Jill more money so she’ll revise the role of Toni.

The Game – I just fell in love with this show. It made me want to watch football and I absolutely hate football. Well hate is a strong word; I don’t like football is a better way to say it. But anyway, this became one of my favorite shows last year.

9 p.m. I have to skip over to CBS and watch CSI Miami. Did anyone see CSI Miami or CSI this past Thursday?